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Up: `Smart Clothing': Wearable
Previous: `Smart Clothing': Wearable
- 1
Mark Weiser.
Ubiquitous computing, 1988-1994.
- 2
David Rokeby.
Camera-based performance spaces, 1982. and drokeby/.
- 3
Francis MacDougall, Vincent John Vincent, and Susan Wyshynski.
Camera-based virtual reality, 1987.
- 4
Maes, Darrell, Blumberg, and Pentland.
The alive system: Full-body interaction with animated autonomous
TR 257, M.I.T. Media Lab Perceptual Computing Section, Cambridge, Ma,
- 5
Phil Patton.
WIRED, January 1995.
- 6
LynNell Hancock, Claudia Kalb, and William Underhill.
You don't have to smile.
Newsweek, July 17 July 17, 1995.
- 7
Imaging in the internet.
Solutions for the Electronic Imaging Professional, February
- 8
R. A. Earnshaw, M. A. Gigante, and H Jones.
Virtual reality systems.
Academic press, 1993.
- 9
I. Sutherland.
A head-mounted three dimensional display.
In Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conference, pages 757-764, 1968.
- 10
S. Feiner, B. MacIntyre, and D. Seligmann.
Knowledge-based augmented reality, Jul 1993.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7).
- 11
S. Feiner, B. MacIntyre, and D. Seligmann.
Karma (knowledge-based augmented reality for maintenance assistance),
1993. karma.html.
- 12
Henry Fuchs, Mike Bajura, and Ryutarou Ohbuchi.
Teaming ultrasound data with virtual reality in obstetrics.
- 13
David Drascic.
David drascic's papers and presentations, 1993. Bibliography.html.
- 14
Paul Milgram.
Augmented reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality
continuum, 1994.
- 15
S. Finger, M. Terk, E. Subrahmanian, C. Kasabach, F. Prinz, D.P. Siewiorek,
A. Smailagic, J. Stivorek, and L Weiss.
Rapid design and manufacture of wearable computers.
Communications of the ACM, pages 63-70, February 1996.
- 16
Joseph Hoshen, Jim Sennott, and Max Winkler.
Keeping tabs on criminals.
IEEE SPECTRUM, pages 26-32, February 1995.
- 17
Steve Mann.
Smart clothing: The shift to wearable computing.
Communications of the ACM, pages 23-24, August 1996.
- 18
S. Mann.
Compositing multiple pictures of the same scene.
In Proceedings of the 46th Annual IS&T Conference,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 9-14 1993. The Society of Imaging Science and
- 19
Steve Mann.
`pencigraphy' with AGC: Joint parameter estimation in both domain
and range of functions in same orbit of the projective-Wyckoff group.
Technical Report 384, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
December 1994.
also appears in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP-96), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 16-19, 1996,
pages 193-196.
- 20
S. Mann and R. W. Picard.
Video orbits of the projective group; a simple approach to
featureless estimation of parameters.
TR 338, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma, See 1995.
Also appears IEEE Trans. Image Proc., Sept 1997, Vol. 6 No. 9.
- 21
Steve Mann and Simon Haykin.
Time-frequency perspectives: The chirplet transform.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, San Francisco, CA, March 23-26, 1992. IEEE.
- 22
William A. Radlinski American Society of Photogrammetry. Editor-in-chief:
Morris M. Thompson. Associate editors: Robert C. Eller and Julius L. Speert.
Manual of photogrammetry.
Schaum's Outline Series. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Falls Church,
Va., 3d ed edition, 1966.
2 v. (xx, 1199 p.) illus. 27 cm.
- 23
D. Hockney.
Hockney on Photography.
London Cape, London, 1988.
Conversations with Paul Joyce.
- 24
A.M. Tekalp, M.K. Ozkan, and M.I. Sezan.
High-resolution image reconstruction from lower-resolution image
sequences and space-varying image restoration.
In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Sig. Proc.,
pages III-169, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 23-26, 1992. IEEE.
- 25
M. Irani and S. Peleg.
Improving Resolution by Image Registration.
CVGIP, 53:231-239, May 1991.
- 26
`wearstation': With today's technology, it is now possible to build a
fully equipped ham radio station, complete with internet connection, into
your clothing., January, 1996.
- 27
Steve Mann.
Wearable, tetherless computer-mediated reality: WearCam as a
wearable face-recognizer, and other applications for the disabled.
TR 361, M.I.T. Media Lab Perceptual Computing Section, Cambridge, Ma,
February 2 1996.
Also appears in AAAI Fall Symposium on Developing Assistive
Technology for People with Disabilities, 9-11 November 1996, MIT.
- 28
N4RVE Steve Roberts.
Nomadic research labs.
- 29
S. Mann.
Wearable Wireless Webcam, 1994.
- 30
S. Mann.
`mediated reality'.
TR 260, M.I.T. Media Lab Perceptual Computing Section, Cambridge, Ma,
- 31
Bob Shaw.
Light of Other Days.
Analog, August 1966.
- 32
Harold E. Edgerton.
Electronic flash, strobe.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979.
- 33
T. Starner.
The remembrance agent, 1993.
Class project for intelligent software agents class of Patti Maes.
- 34
S. Mann and R. W. Picard.
Virtual bellows: constructing high-quality images from video.
In Proceedings of the IEEE first international conference on
image processing, Austin, Texas, Nov. 13-16 1994.
- 35
W.W. Bledsoe.
Man-machine facial recognition.
In Rep. PRI:22, Panoramic Research Inc., Palo Alto, CA, August
- 36
S.R. Cannon, G.W. Jones, R. Campbell, and N.W. Morgan.
A computer vision system for identification of individuals.
In Proceedings of IECON,1, 1986.
- 37
Matthew A. Turk.
Interactive-Time Vision: Face Recognition as a Visual Behavior.
PhD dissertation, MIT, Media Arts and Sciences Section.
Advisor: A.P. Pentland.
- 38
A. Pentland, T. Starner, N. Etcoff, A. Masoiu, O. Oliyide, and M. Turk.
Experiments with eigenfaces.
In Appears: Looking At People Workshop, IJCAI'93, Chamberry,
France, August 1993.
- 39
Simon Davies.
Privacy international calls for cctv debate, September 8, ABC News
- 40
George M. Stratton.
Some preliminary experiements on vision.
Psychological Review, 1896.
- 41
S. Mann.
``smart clothing''.
TR 366, M.I.T. Media Lab Perceptual Computing Section, Cambridge, Ma,
February 2 1996.
- 42
Neal Stephenson.
Global neighborhood watch, 1995.
- 43
William J. Mitchell.
The Reconfigured Eye.
The MIT Press, 1992.
- 44
Richard W. Stevenson.
They're capturing suspects on candid camera.
New York Times International, Saturday, March 11 1995.
(excerpt appears in
Steve Mann
Wed Jan 7 21:38:49 EST 1998