An older concept, Cyborg logs (cyborglogs, cyborGLOGS, GLOGS, videolog, vlog, blorg, cylog, clog, borglog, etc..), is that of a personal online diary, that may or may not necessarily use the WWW.
I've been glogging for 30 years, but only in the last 10 years, or so, with the advent of the WWW, have I made the glog a weblog as well.
With Wearable Wireless Webcam, the glog's become a blog.
Serendipity is a key element. Thus even if you don't have a net connection, you can make a sort-of glog by programming your camera to keep taking pictures every 60 seconds or so, and then just wear it and whatever it takes, goes to the glog.
I call it a "stream-of-deconsciousness". No conscious thought or effort should be required. But it's not that you're unconscious (or your subconscious). It's actually a kind of collective deconsciousness.
Here's an example of a cyborglog: