Here's another picture of us I captured around 2 or 3 oclock in the morning,
in front of convocation hall, with the flashlamp located to the left.
Left to right:
Standing (at back): Felix Tang wearing my old 1970s computer with 900 volt lead
acid pack; James Fung with an ENGwear EyeTap helmet; Corey wearing my
1985 8 lamp computer system; Taneem with EngWear EyeTap helmet and
early 1980s aircraft landing light controlled by wearable computer system;
Seated on first step:
Dan with WearComp2 (1981 system); Jason Boyer with "mirrorshades"
(Sicherheitglaeser); Derek with eyeglass EyeTap; Milan with eyeglass EyeTap;
Laura with Blind Vision system (a seeing aid for the visually challenged);
Peter with eyeglass EyeTap.
Sitting on ground in front: Prof. Mann with WearComp7 (1996 system).
Peter's EyeTap