Powertrenography™ and Powertrenogrammetry™

Steve Mann,
Powertrain, LightWeighting, Electrification, Connected / Autonomous Vehicle Workshop,
Harrigan Conference Room, Front Building - Essex Engine Plant, 1 Quality Way, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Monday 2018 Dec. 3rd, 7:30 - 17:00

Jimi Tjong, Todd Smith, Minister of Economic, Development, Job Creation and Trade, and Steve Mann

Steve Mann and Todd Smith, Minister of Economic, Development, Job Creation and Trade.

More background on Steve Mann's S.W.I.M. (Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine) invention:
Background on invention of SWIM
MannLab call for talent
MannLab news
Talk slides

See also http://wearcam.org/swim/SWIM_ford_focus_electric/