New version of the S.W.I.M. (Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine):

  1. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_HackerAcademy_EricPayne
  2. SamWong_and_WayneCao
  3. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_AlexanderMacDonald
  4. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_Andrej
  5. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_Steve
  6. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_MatthewShipton
  7. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_Pete
  8. SequentialWaveImprintingMachine_NahumGershon
  9. RaymondLo
  10. GrahamGreen
  11. MarkKortschot
  12. EthanWaldie_AndrewVuong_BenjaminCorcoran
  13. NimaYasrebi
  14. MikaelFridenfalk_BillKapralos_NahumGershon_SteveMann
  15. MikaelFridenfalk
  16. BillKapralos
  17. BryanLeber
  18. tux
  19. ecg
  20. C-band_radar
  21. SWIMbot
  22. engsci2015nov25
  23. IEEEGEM2015_SWIM
  24. KevinZhu_EngSci:
  25. TrevorStephenson
  26. ClairKim
  27. Rotman CDL:
  28. SPARK
  29. ECE516 2016 first lecture
  30. Helton
  31. Motion sensor
  32. Loop antenna (magnetic field)
  33. Ken Goldberg's visit from Berkeley University:
  34. Helton Chen with long SWIM
  35. Instructable: Imprint invisible sound and radio waves onto your retina: Augmented reality with perfect alignment:
  36. Steve Mann with SWIM:
  37. Bug sweeper:
  38. Bug sweeper:
  39. Vian Bakir and Andrew McStay:
  40. MinatsuSugimoto:
  41. Mann demonstrating SWIM to Minatsu:
  42. Mann Keynote at WearHacks 2016mar25:
  43. Through the Wormhole:
  44. SWIMwatch; collaboration with Sarang:
  45. SWIM Fourier Series:
  46. SWIM Matt Kim, 29.2 deg. C:
  47. VRTO2016:
  48. Meta2:
  49. AR-in-Action, Cambridge, MA, 2017 Jan17-18:
  50. Invited lecture at Stanford, 2017 Jan 31:
  51. :
  52. Visualizing sound waves:
  53. More sound waves:
  54. Ted Selker visit:
  55. Arbotics (Augmented Reality robotics):
  56. Two SM58 microphones:
  57. China Mission July 2018:
  58. Underwater SWIM: